A one day strike was announced on 09.07.2013 , by NFPE/FNPO P 3 & P4 unions, requesting for settlement of 38 point charter of demands at Pondichery Division , in Tamilnadu circle.
Main charter of demands are
1. Shortage of staff and requesting for utilization of short duty pensioners/eligible willing GDS/outsiders to manage the vacant posts of P.A.s.
2. Cash conveyance should be streamlined on day-to-day basis with full protection; conveyance of taxi/auto fare to be paid with/remuneration should be paid with for the staff engaged/escorted.
3. Actual auto fare with remuneration should be paid with for mail conveyance between S.O.s and while entrusted with , due to non plying of MMS.
4. Irregular transfer orders issued to six MACP officials to long distance S.O.s on the plea of seniority, to be withdrawn .
5. Revision of FSC/drawal of fresh Divisional gradation list.
6. Permitting outsiders and age barred GDS to work in Postmen/MTS vacancies on leaves/ vacant places.
7. Combination of beats should not be insisted upon.
1. First phase demonstration was conducted on 04.06.2013 in front of Pondichery HPO.
2. Strike notice was served to the administration and Labour Commissioner on 14.06.2013.
3. Discussions were held with the Divisional administration on 17.06.2013 and failed.
4. Second phase demonstration was conducted on 22.06.2013 in front of Pondichery HPO
5. Conciliatory talks were held before Asst. Labour Commissioner (Central) on 27.06.2013
6. Circle union intervened with the Regional administration on 29.06.2013 seeking for exclusive talks
Bilateral talks with the Regional administration and Circle Unions (involving Divisional union) held on 01.07.2013 and settlement made recording the minutes. Com. J. Ramamurthy, Circle Secretary, P3, NFPE and Com. G.P. Muthukrishnan, Circle Secretary, P3, FNPO lead the delegation. Copy of minutes are published in TN Circle Union web site.
Strike was officially announced as withdrawn on 04.07.2013 before the Asst. Labour Commissioner (Central), Pondy.
SDPAs/GDS permitted to work in vacant posts; age barred GDS are allowed to work in vacant/leave place of postmen/MTS; Suitable auto / taxi fare allowed for conveyance of cash and mail ; suitable remuneration allowed for that ; irregular transfer orders issued to 6 MACP officials cancelled/ modified; surplus staff working at Divisional office withdrawn; Combination of beats will not be insisted upon ETC.
Courtesy : nfpe.blogspot.in
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