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Saturday, August 6, 2016

Seminar on “Condition of Working women in India”

National Federation of Postal Employees
1st Floor North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi-110 001
Phone: 011.23092771                                              e-mail:
 Mob: 9868819295/9810853981                          website:

   No.PF-Misc/2016                                                                        Dated: 02nd August, 2016

            The Director General,
            Department of Posts,
            Dak Bhawan,
            New Delhi-110 001

Sub: Holding of Seminar on “Condition of Working women in India” at Chennai on 17th August, 2016.


            The NFPE alongwith Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers has decided to organize Seminar on subject “ Condition of Working Women in India” at Chennai on 17th August,2016  in which  Delegates  from  all over  country will  participate.

            It is therefore, requested to kindly cause suitable instructions to all CPMGs to grant Special Casual Leave to the delegates who want to participant in the Seminar.

            With regards.                                                                                    Yours faithfully,
(R.N. Parashar)
Secretary General
Copy to:
1.         All the CPMGs.  2.   All General Secretaries / NFPE Office Bearers.
3.         All Circle Secretaries of NFPE Unions.

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