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Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Team Members of AIPEU, Group-C, Bhubaneswar Division discussed with the SSPOs and Sr. Postmaster, Bhubaneswar GPO for smooth implementation of S B Order No. 12 / 2016

A team headed by Com. B Samal, Divisional Secretary and accompanied with Com. P K Pattnaik, President, Com. Anil Kumar Mohanty and Com. Lingaraj Sahoo, Vice-President, Com. Dipti Ranjan Mohanty, Asst. Secretary, Com. Gadadhar Rath, Org. Secretary and Com. Kalandi Biswal, Financial Secretary made a thorough discussion with the SSPOs and the Sr. Postmaster, Bhubaneswar GPO today in the latter’s Chamber for  smooth and correct implementation of S B order No. 12 / 2016.

The Union demanded immediate supply of Currency Verifier - Cum Fake Note Detectors to Post Offices which are not yet supplied to safeguard the employees from probable loss. The SSPOs agreed to the proposal and assured to make immediate necessary arrangements for supply as soon as possible. In addition, suggestions were given both to the SSPOs and Sr. Postmaster to open at least 3 Counters for exchange purpose from 10.11.2016 in Bhubaneswar GPO which were acceded to.

Further timely supply of legal denominations to SOs were also discussed.
 After discussion, we wrote a letter to the SSPOs accordingly.

All India Postal Employees Union, Group-C
(Affiliated to National Federation of Postal Employees)
Bhubaneswar Divisional Branch
Ashoknagar Mukhya Dak Ghar, Bhubaneswar – 751 009
eMail :, Blog :

No. UN-BN/AIPEU-Gr.-C/01-11/2016
Dated at Bhubaneswar the 09.112016
The Senior Superintendent of Post Offices
Bhubaneswar Division
Bhubaneswar – 751 009

Sub:   Supply of  Currency Verifier - Cum Fake Note Detectors to Post Offices.

Ref.- S B Order No. 12 / 2016

            This has a kind reference to the discussions made by the team members of this Union with the SSPOs and Sr. Postmaster, Bhubaneswar GPO in latter’s chamber today on smooth and correct implementation of  S B Order No. 12 / 2016 regarding demonetization of Rs. 1000 and Rs. 500 notes with effect from 08.11.2016 midnight and subsequent exchange / deposits at P O Counters.
Now Post Offices are authorized for collection of such currency notes through P O S B Accounts from 10th November to 30th December, 2016.

Thus, it is evident that there is every possibility of rush of fake currency notes in Post Offices  and due to heavy rush it may not be possible to detect the same by P As / SPMs / Postmasters in the absence of Currency Verifier - Cum Fake Note Detectors.

            As known, there is dearth in supply of Currency Verifier - Cum Fake Note Detectors in Bhubaneswar Division.

            It is therefore, requested to kindly cause suitable action for immediate supply of  Currency Verifier - Cum Fake Note Detectors to Post Offices which are not yet supplied to safeguard the employees from probable loss.

With regards
Yours faithfully,


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