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Thursday, January 9, 2014


1. What is Organizational Change Management?

Organizational Change Management (OCM) is a structured framework directed at handling the
organizational and human issues generated by changes introduced by business transformations. It  focuses on the impact of the changes on the stakeholders and addresses their apprehensions, doubts  and resistance to change. OCM helps them to internalize the changes so that the new system  becomes a part of their every day routine.

 2. What are the goals of OCM?

The goals of OCM are
 Minimize change resistance among the stakeholders
 Promote acceptance of change
 Reduce business disruption
 Accelerate benefit realization

3. Why do people resist change?

People resist change for many reasons. These can be clubbed together under the Head, Heart and Hand Framework

Head/ Think

 People are not sure whether they will be able to un-learn and re-learn fast enough or well enough
 People do not know whether they will be supported by training and communication at regular
 People are unsure about support from colleagues and supervisors
 People wonder whether they will still be valued and called upon.


 People are afraid of losing their status within the organization
 People fear the changes would diminish their control in the organization
 People also resist getting out of their comfort zone


 People are not sure whether they can do the job
 People wonder whether they will be able to do the work fast enough and well enough
 People question the changes introduced in fear that these changes will dramatically change the nature of their work
 People are unsure whether they can adopt new habits to suit the changes


Will I feel
• Loss of control?
• Loss of status?
• Out of my comfort zone?

Will I be
• Able to un-learn and re-learn fast enough or well enough?
• Supported by training and communication regularly?
• Supported by my manager and my colleagues?
• Still valued and called upon?

Can I do it
• Fast enough and well enough?
• Will I like it ? Will it still be ‘my job’?
• Can I learn new habits ? Can I let go of old habits?

4. What are the risks if organizational change is not managed?

 Key risks of unmanaged organizational changes are
 Stakeholders would show resistance to change and sometimes even reject the changes altogether
 Turnover/loss of valued employees
 Poor productivity
 Disruption in business
 Changes can not be fully implemented
 Business realisation would lag behind
 Change initiatives would ultimately fail

5. Who is a stakeholder?

A stakeholder is any individual or organization involved in the project or who will be affected by the result of the project. A Stakeholder can be either internal or external to the business.

6. Why is stakeholder management important in OCM?

Stakeholders are individuals and organizations involved in and affected by the project. For the
successful implementation of change, it is important to understand their involvement, minimize their resistance and maximize their receptiveness towards the project. Hence, stakeholder management is of great importance in OCM.

7. What is Change Resistance Assessment/Survey and what is its importance?

 Change Resistance Assessment/Survey refers to collecting information about the stakeholders to determine their readiness to accept and assimilate the forthcoming changes.
 It is important because it measures
 Readiness to change
 Progress of change
 Adoption to change 

8. What is Change Network?

Change Network is a “Community of representatives specifically selected to facilitate top down
sponsorship and bottom up ownership of changes”.

9. What is the importance of change network?

 Change Network is important because its members are viewed as role models for change and have the capacity to advice, coach and lead change.

10. How important is the role of communication in OCM?

Communication plays a significant role in OCM as it
 Ensures that the business has the appropriate information to make well informed decisions
 Ensures that the stakeholders are communicated with at the most appropriate times via the most appropriate channels
 Reduces resistance to business transformation
 Reduces false messages
 Provides a feedback mechanism to help identify problems early

11. Why is training important for managing change?

Proper training accelerates an organizations ability to adapt to changes. Well-trained people perform their work at a greater pace and accurately which results in high levels of internal or external customer satisfaction.

12. What are the benefits of OCM?

 The benefits of OCM are
 It measures whether an organization is ready to introduce the proposed change and thus helps it to make an informed decision
 It reduces the resistance of stakeholders to change
 It increases the receptiveness of the stakeholders to business transformations
 It ensures that all stakeholders are informed at regular interval and remain committed to the
 It helps stake holders un-learn old ways of doing things and adopt the new processes and

 It helps the organization to achieve the benefits of change in time

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