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Saturday, January 11, 2014

Selection of Treasurer, Sahidnagar MDG in Bhubaneswar Division.

Department of Posts, India
Office of the Senior Superintendent of Post Offices
Bhubaneswar Division, Bhubaneswar-751009

 No.B.12-10/Ch.V,                                                 Dated at Bhubaneswar the 09.01.2014


1.           The Senior Postmaster, Bhubaneswar GPO, Bhubaneswar-751001
2.           The Superintendent, Postal Stores Depot, Bhubaneswar-751007
3.           The Superintendent, Circle Stamps Depot,Bhubaneswar-751007
4.           All the Postmasters / Sub Postmasters in Bhubaneswar Division
5.           All the OAs, Divisional Office, Bhubaneswar

Sub:   Selection of Treasurer, Sahidnagar MDG in Bhubaneswar Division.

          The official holding the post of Treasurer, Sahidnagar MDG is going to complete his prescribed tenure.

·                     The above said post will be filled up amongst the intending eligible Time Scale Postal Assistants having five years service on seniority – cum – fitness basis.
·                     The TBOP/MACP-I Postal Assistants may also apply for the said posts and their cases will be considered if no applications are received from the Time Scale Postal Assistants or no such Postal Assistant found suitable for the post.
·                     The cases of Leave Reserved Postal Assistants shall not be considered for selection as Treasurer / Asst. Treasurer as their services are to be utilized for the vacancies caused by the absence on leave of the officials.
·                     Preference shall be given to all eligible applicants belonging to same office / same station to minimize TA expenses.
·                     Officials completing tenure as Treasurer / Asst. Treasurer in any post Office within last two years are not eligible for consideration.

          You are requested to bring it to the notice of all eligible Postal Assistants working in your office and the applications of the willing officials should be forwarded to this office through proper channel so as to reach this office on or before 29.01.2014.

Sr. Supdt. of Post Offices
Bhubaneswar Division

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