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Monday, February 10, 2014

Shortage of stamps hits postal services

Acute shortage of stamps at branch post offices in the district has hit postal services drastically. The worst-affected were the poor who could not afford to pay Rs.30 for private courier service and were solely dependent on postal services for communication.
At present, majority of branch post offices have been struggling due to shortage of stamps valued at Rs.5, Rs.2 and Re.1, according to post office sources.
When the public approached the post offices, the staff at the counters told them that stamps were out of stock.
No one knew when they would get the supply, public said.
They also complained that the staff did not use franking machine during peak hours.
The consumers appealed to the postal superintendent to ensure supply of stamps.

Need-based supply

Normally, stamps were distributed to branch post offices on the basis of orders placed by the respective post offices well in advance.
“Now, the shortage has been prevailing throughout the country. We had already informed to the higher officials. The Central Government should take action,” said a senior official in the Department of Posts.
The district has 70 sub post offices and 370 branch post offices. Stamps are printed at Government press in Nasik in Maharashtra and Hyderabad in Andhra Pradesh, he added.

Supply will be dispatched to more than 1.5 lakh post offices through stamp depots only, he added.
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