Department of Posts, India
Office of the Senior Superintendent of Post Offices
Bhubaneswar Division, Bhubaneswar-751009
Memo No: B.12-32(Trg)/2003/Ch-I, Dated at Bhubaneswar the 05.03.2014
In pursuance of the instructions contained in Chief Postmaster General, Odisha Circle, Bhubaneswar-751001 letter No.RE/34-1/12 dated 03.03.2014, the following Postal Assts. of this Division are hereby directed to undergo Mid Career Training for Postal Assistants(MACP-I)/(MACP-II)/(MACP-III) at Postal Training Centre, Darbhanga-846005 as per the programme detailed below.
1. Mid Career Training for Postal Assistants (MACP-I)
Sl. No.
Name & designation of the Official nominated to undergo training
Period of training
Relieving arrangement
Kailash Ch.Sahoo
PA,Nayapalli SO
The official will be relieved on office arrangement
2. Mid Career Training for Postal Assistants(MACP-II)
Sl. No.
Name & designation of the Official nominated to undergo training
Period of training
Relieving arrangement
Dolo Gobinda Nayak
PA,Rasulgarh SO
The official will be relieved on office arrangement
3. Mid Career Training for Postal Assistants (MACP-III)
Sl. No.
Name & designation of the Official nominated to undergo training
Period of training
Relieving arrangement
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Durgabati Bihari
The official will be relieved on office arrangement
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The officials so directed to undergo the training should attend the training positively. Full utilization of the seat should be ensured.
Bhubaneswar Division
Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to:
1. The Asst. Director (Staff), O/o the Chief P.M.G. (Odisha), Bhubaneswar-751001 for information w.r.t. C.O. letter no. RE/34-1/12 dated 03.03.2014.
2. The Director/Asst.Director (Admin), Postal Training Centre, Darbhanga-846005.
3. The Senior Postmaster, Bhubaneswar GPO, Bhubaneswar-751001. T.A Expenditure on this account may be booked under head 3201. Plan.
5. The Supdt.CSD, Bhubaneswar-751007.
4. The Sub Postmasters concerned.
5. The officials concerned. They are directed to undergo the above training without fail. Copy of General Instructions for trainees (Annexure-II) to undergo training at Postal Training Centre, Darbhanga-846005 is enclosed.
6. Staff-II Branch, Divisional Office, BBSR for information and to ensure timely relief of the officials.
7. PF of the officials.
8. The Accountant Divisional Office, Bhubaneswar.T.A Expenditure on this account may be booked under head 3201. Plan.
9. Divnl.Office, BBSR File Mark: B-32/2002
10. Office copy.
Sr. Supdt. of Post Offices
Bhubaneswar Division
What sort of training is imparted at Darbhanga ? Is it really useful ? Why can not be imparted at WCTC, Bhubaneswar ? Hope Union would take up this matter to help the Department in saving lot of value in terms of time & money. More over all PAs working in the counter must be imparted soft skill development training to boost up the revenue. Oftenly BD cell arrange such training for officials at CO, BBSr. Before few days good amount is spent to train some officials at Vani Vihar (Utkal University). Hope Department can spend some amount for the right officials at right place.