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Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Divisional Union resolves to adopt trade union activities against the exploitation / misbehaviour to subordinate staff members in the name of CBS/CIS

No. UN-BN/AIPEU-Gr.-C/07–02/2016
Dated at Bhubaneswar the 29.02.2016
          The Senior Superintendent of Post Offices
          Bhubaneswar Division
          Bhubaneswar – 751 009 

Sub:-   Submission of the extracts of Discussions and Resolutions adopted unanimously in the DWC Meeting on 13.02.2016. 

         In accordance with the Notification No. UN-BN/AIPEU-Gr.-C/02–02/2016,dated 01.02.2016 issued  under Article 48 of the Constitution of All India Postal Employees Union, Group – C, the Divisional Working Committee of AIPEU, Group-C, Bhubaneswar Division was held successfully on 13.02.2016 in the Postal Recreation Club, Bhubaneswar GPO. 

        As deliberated by the participating DWC members, it was experienced that the employees particularly, the P As have forgotten all other issues except the problems and exploitations arising out of CBS Finacle and PLI McCamish at present. Though we have already brought the said issues severally through correspondences and discussed in the Monthly Union meetings, no satisfactory progress has yet been witnessed. 

        On the basis of the discussions on the above divisional issues now made in the current DWC meeting, some important resolutions, inter alia, were adopted unanimously with decision to bring the same to the kind notice of the Divisional administration for immediate redressal.        

          The extracts of the discussions and resolutions on divisional issues only are submitted here with for further disposal. 

         Hope, the SSPOs will consider the issues with every priority and a special meeting with the representatives of this union may be arranged for a fruitful discussion within next 15 days failing which this union will be forced to adopt trade union activities (to be decided after 15 days) to save its members from gross exploitation. 

 Expecting your kind acknowledgement and prompt action on the issues. 

         With regards.

Yours faithfully,
Encls.- As above

Divisional Secretary

Extracts of the Discussions and Resolutions adopted unanimously in the DCW Meeting, dated 13.02.2016

Phase – II : Discussion on Divisional Issues 

A.    Issues related to CBS Finacle 

As deliberated by the participating members, it was experienced that the employees particularly, the P As have forgotten all other issues except the problems arising out of CBS Finacle and PLI McCamish at present. Com. B Samal, Divisional Secretary informed the members about the activities undertaken by our CHQ in taking the issues to the Hon’ble Minister, Communications & IT and appealed the members to go through our CHQ letter reproduced in our website.

            In addition, since the issue has already been included in Charter of Demands of the Postal JCA, now it is our collective responsibility to mobilize the members for cent percent participation in the forthcoming Indefinite Strike.

            However, as opined by the participating members, the following resolutions were adopted unanimously with decision to bring to the kind notice of the Divisional administration for redressal of the Divisional issues. 

Resolution No. 2

Despite several correspondences and discussions in the monthly union meetings since no progress is observed and the post offices are migrated forcefully without adequate hardware, manpower, training and technical support, it was unanimously resolved to bring the following CBS Finacle issues of Bhubaneswar Division to the kind notice of the SSPOs, Bhubaneswar Division once again  for early redressal within a reasonable period failing which this union will be compelled to adopt trade union activities to save its members from serious exploitation in the name of modernization.

i.       There must be a CBS team comprising of 2 or 3 SAs to coordinate the pre-migration works.

ii.      In stead of hasty migration, the administration may  opt for maximum 2 offices in a single day  for effective migration.

iii.     Since CBS CPC, Odisha Circle is being over burdened day by day,  a help desk at HO level (Bhubaneswar GPO) comprising at least 2 P As having finacle expertise may be opened for attending calls regarding problems faced in counter operational issues.

iv.    To streamline CSAC requests creating more user ID/Password for S As.

v.      One O A at Divisional Office needs to be exclusively utilized for handling the USER MANAGEMENT OF FINACLE for the whole division. His work should be confined  to collect finacle role change request, new id creation, sending to PO tracker and user id template for new CBS office in coordination with CBS CPC, Odisha Circle. He also needs to coordinate with Staff-II branch of Divisional Office for leave / deputation / transfer etc. so that he can put up the role change request timely and effectively and attend the emails regarding CBS issues received from various SOLs.

vi.    Since at present no technical support is being extended by Infosys/Sify, one CBS trained official should be compulsorily attached to the newly migrated office for at least one week from the date of migration for providing necessary assistance.

vii.   Passbook printer, laser printer, account opening forms, xerox paper, marker, finacle guide, and finacle command template must be supplied to every office before migration along with all types of successful installation settings. All the old systems must be formatted and anti-virus must be updated or a new system with high configuration may be supplied to the proposed CBS offices before migration. At least one extra computer may be supplied to all the single/double handed offices so that they can perform their CBS and non-CBS works easily. 

viii.  All emails, phone calls, letters and correspondences to the SSPOs must be attended promptly by the concerned O A at Divisional Office.

ix.    There must be a SOP to deal with non-migrated accounts/certificates including transfer/closure, balance differ, short or excess interest etc so that not a single staff or customer will be harassed in any manner.

x.      Periodical workshops must be arranged at divisional level with participation of Postmasters / SPMs / P As / S As / administrative staff dealing with CBS for effective interaction with proper feedback to set the future course of action.

xi.    No deputation order should be issued to double handed post offices having B Os after migration.

xii.   Since it is bitterly experienced that due to slow connectivity, the officials of one CBS post offices are running to another CBS PO to finish the days work and to execute timely EoD for no fault of their own, the Divisional administration may be suggested to select one office having smooth connectivity as Crisis Management Centre especially in rural areas and tag maximum 3 or 4  nearby CBS offices to the said office for finishing the works timely in of case of emergency and link failure etc. In such cases, admissible T A may be provided to the officials finishing theirs own office work in another office till restoration of smooth connectivity.

xiii.  Since it is experienced that many offices are being migrated without imparting proper training to the concerned officials, it is suggested that all the officials should be trained before migration at least before 3 days of proposed migration.  Such training should be in  WCTC and in CBS offices for gaining practical knowledge.

xiv. Simultaneously with the mock migration, finacle software needs be installed  and   dummy transactions must be done by the SAs  in the presence of the officials of the proposed CBS office to test check the speed/connectivity/link etc. 

B.    Issues related to PLI McCamish 

Despite several correspondences and discussions in the monthly union meetings no progress is being observed and the staff members of PLI CPC, Bhubaneswar GPO are facing untold sufferings. Thus after detailed discussion with the members, the following resolution was adopted unanimously. 

Resolution No. 3

It was unanimously resolved to bring the following PLI McCamish issues of Bhubaneswar Division to the kind notice of the SSPOs, Bhubaneswar Division once again  for early redressal within a reasonable period failing which this union will be compelled to adopt trade union activities to save its members from serious exploitation in the name of modernization. 

i.       To increase the staff strength and number of systems/accessories suitably as discussed in the monthly Union Meeting on 08.10.2015  under Agenda Item No. 02-10/2015 and further requested vide this Union letter No. UN-BN/AIPEU-Gr.-C/03–12/2015, dated 03.12.2015.

ii.      Equal and proper distribution of work considering the workload and responsibilities of various P As / Supervisor(s) of the PLI CPC, Bhubaneswar GPO through an approved Memo of Distribution of Work (MDW)  in the light of instructions contained in  PLI Directorate’s letter No. 29-34/2012-LI(Vol-II), dated 24.09.2015 which has already been requested to the SSPOs, Bhubaneswar Division vide this Union’s letter No. UN-BN/AIPEU-Gr.-C/06–12/2015, dated 21.12.2015.

iii.     Since the pay recovery policies, both Departmental and outside cases are not being updated in PLI McCamish from September, 2015, Cheques submitted by outside agencies/organizations are kept pending in Bhubaneswar GPO even after clearance affecting and thus maturity, closure, loan cases relating to such pay recovery policies are being settled by PLI CPC, Bhubaneswar GPO through DOC which is consuming unnecessary time inviting resentment among the DDOs who have already submitted the required amount recovering the premia from the concerned policy holders. As a result both the insurants are forced to suffer and the staff members of PLI CPC are often misbehaved by the agitated customers for no fault of their own. Thus, proper arrangement to update the pay recovery policies may be made immediately to avoid any dislocation in PLI CPC, Bhubaneswar GPO.

iv.    The space available inside the only room where the PLI CPC is functioning at present is not sufficient to accommodate 12 people with the existing  systems/machines. This apart, there is no record room for CPC also. The room now vacated adjacent to PLI CPC is in the most dilapidated condition, which needs immediate repairing with necessary electrical/civil maintenance works.

v.      Since PLI/RPLI incentives due both in favour of the sales forces and doctors are not being generated through McCamish, there is serious resentment amongst the field workers. Alternatively, though, sufficient funds are available under PLIPPS(Incentive) head, not even a single official is aware about the generation of incentive in PMACS system in McCamish application. In addition, while no fund is available under RPLI incentive head,  huge amount of manual bills till migration have been kept pending at Divisional Office for sanction. Thus, immediate action is required to be taken by the Divisional administration for prompt generation of incentives for the sales forces and Medical Officers through PLI McCamish effecting timely payment. 

C.    Issue of ambiguous orders due to lack of supervision and misbehavior to subordinate staff members by Divisional Office: 

The participating members brought to the notice of this Union during discussion in the DWC meeting some orders issued by Divisional Office which not only carry contradictory instructions but ambiguous in nature also. Illustratively, the following issues were placed for discussion. 

a.     While Divisional Office vide its Memo No. B.12-32(Trg)/2003/Ch.II, dated 11.12.2015 cancelled the  Mid Career Development Programme at PTC, Darbhanga, the concerned P As are directed in the same Memo to undergo the above training without fail. 

b.     Divisional Office vide its Memo No. B. Misc/Corr/2014, dated 15.12.2015 called for explanation from Krishna Murari, P A Kakatpur S O to treat the period of absence on 02.09.2015 as ‘Dies-Non” when the official has joined in the Department on 17.11.2015 (Vide D O Memo No. B.1 Rectt/2013-14, dated 13.11.2015). 

c.      While one P A of Ashoknagar MDG is permanently moving on deputation, the office is frequently targeted for deputing additional P As to other offices. Recently an order was issued to Ashoknagar MDG for deputation of one P A to Brahmakundi SO for 20 days which was impracticable. Daily up and down to Brahmakundi from Bhubaneswar is not at all possible. It is also difficult to find a house on the part on a P A from Bhubaneswar  on rent for 20 days. Brakmakundi is not a town where hotels will be available for short-term stay. In addition, such deputation order will involve TA/DA when the Division as a whole is running with minus budget. Secondly, this Union came to know that prior to issue of the said order to Ashoknagar MDG, Konark S O had already been directed to depute one PA to Brahmakundi which was also made effective by the concerned SPM. Thus, this Union presumes that such orders issued by the Divisional Office are quite intentional with an odor of intolerance to harass the Divisional Secretary who is heading Ashoknagar MDG. 

d.     Recently the training order issued on Atal Pension Yojana to single handed SPMs without any relieving arrangement vide Divisional Office Memo No. B.12-32 (Trg) / 2003 / Ch. II, dated 12.01.2016 is also dubious.  

e.     While Budheswari Colony Grade – I Post Office, Bhubaneswar – 751 006 is functioning with 3 P As, Divisional Office vide its Memo No: B.12-32(Trg)/2003/Ch-II, dated 19.01.2016, directed the Postmaster to relieve 2 P As at a time on deputation. The Postmaster being helpless to manage the office with 1 P A, when discussed with Divisional Office, he was grossly misbehaved and forced to obey the order. 

f.       One women employee who had been transferred to Sahidnagar MDG during Rotational Transfer 2015-16 was not relieved in time to join in Sahidnagar MDG, rather was ordered ( during September-2015) to work on deputation as SPM, Pokhariput S O without basic amenities like lavatory, drinking water etc. which squarely violets Directorate’s  letter No. 137-10/2011-SPB.II, dated 18.01.2011 with instruction  not to post the women employees in offices where there  are no  basic and essential amenities.  When the fact was brought to the notice of the Divisional administration, she was instructed in a very disgraceful manner over phone to continue her work there at Pokhariput S O uninterruptedly like a traffic constable. The story did not end there. After working as SPM from 15.09.2015 to 14.11.2015 in Pokhariput S O, she was deputed continuously for several offices as follows:

Name of the Office to which deputed
Divisional Office
Airport NTD SO (CBS)
Bargarh Brit Colony S O (CBS)
Kalpana Square NDTSO (CBS)
Divisional Office ( Posted as OA)

While there are several other CBS trained  LRPAs, a particular P A was targeted and seriously exploited by the Divisional administration. 

g.     Similarly, the SPM, Sainik School, Bhubaneswar – 751 005 who had applied for leave before one month failed to be relieved in time, when requested the Divisional Secretary for interference and in turn, when the Divisional Secretary approached the SSPOs, Bhubaneswar Division over phone for immediate needful action, the SPM was not only misbehaved in a very rude manner rather told by Divisional Office to ask the Union to make his relieving arrangement which is certainly harassing. 

h.     The SPM, RRL SO, Bhubaneswar – 751 013 was misbehaved by Divisional Office when he requested to return the P A  already attached to his office. 

i.       Bargarh Brit Colony being a double-handed S O was ordered to relieve his P A without creating required User ID and Password of the Operator and when the concerned SPM requested the Divisional Office to do the needful before relieving the P A so that the office would function smoothly,  he was misbehaved  by the Divisional Office for no fault of his own but for the failure of the Divisional administration.  

Several other dubious orders recently issued were also brought to the notice of the Union which were issued to the SPMs/Postmasters and when either requested for a clarification or modification, the staff members were misbehaved. The Union feels that such orders which keep much importance for the staff members receiving the same are treated in a very casual manner by the Divisional Office. 

Resolution No. 4
It was unanimously resolved to appraise the SSPOs to: 

i.                 guide the concerned officials/officers by / through whom the files are moving to properly verify before releasing the orders and not to personalize any letter written by the Union for mass benefit and benefit for the Division as a whole adhering to a definite principle without favouring or opposing to anyone in any manner. 

ii.                give soft skill training to the officers/officials of Divisional Office who are misbehaving the subordinate staff of the operative offices due their failure in issuing correct instructions and making suitable relieving arrangements etc. This union will never tolerate any kind of misbehavior to its members. 

iii.               deploy the CBS trained LRPAs suitably so that they can be relieved immediately at the time of exigencies.  

iv.              examine the ground reality of the post office before issuing deputation orders. 

Divisional Secretary
AIPEU, Group-C
Bhubaneswar Division

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