The 26th All India Postal Cricket Tournament has been inaugurated today at Railway Stadium, Bhubaneswar. Shri Praveen Gupta, Chief General Manager,
SBI, Bhubaneswar Circle and Dr. Achyuta Samanta, Founder, KIIT
University graced the occasion as Chief Guest and Guest of Honour
respectively in the presence of Shri S.K. Chakrabarti, Chairman, All
India Postal Cricket Tournament–cum- Chief Postmaster General, Odisha
Circle, Bhubaneswar, Shri Suvendu Ku. Swain,
DPS(HQ), Bhubaneswar and Shri S.P. Rajalingam, PMG, Berhampur. 
On the occasion, a press note has been released as follows:
While Cricket provides the
excitement of competition, it also provides physical, mental and social
benefits. Cricket is the most favorite game of Indians. This is our great pleasure to inform that Odisha
Postal Circle Sports Board, Bhubaneswar is organizing the 26th All
India Postal Cricket Tournament. Odisha Postal Circle will be hosting the
tournament for the first time. The tournament will start on 14th February, 2013 and will
end on 18th February, 2013.
Fifteen Postal Circles including
Odisha Postal Circle will participate in the tournament.
The tournament will be held on
league cum knock out basis. In the league stage, the matches will be of 20 overs per side and the semifinal and
final matches will be of 40 overs per
side. In the league stage, there will be only one mandatory power play for
the first six overs, during which only two fielders will be allowed outside the
30 yard circle. In semifinal and final matches, there will be one fielding power
play for the first eight overs and one batting power play of four overs which
is to be taken before 33rd over of the match. During the fielding
& batting power play only three fielders will be allowed outside the 30
yard circle.
The matches in the league stage will
be held at (1) Railway Stadium, Bhubaneswar, (2) IDCO Ground, Bhubaneswar, (3)
Ravenshaw Ground No.1, Cuttack, (4) Ravenshaw Ground No.2, Cuttack and (5)
Neempur Ground, Cuttack. The semifinal matches will be held at Railway Stadium,
Bhubneswar and IDCO Ground, Bhubaneswar on 17.02.2013 and will start at 9:00AM.
The final match will be held at Barbati Stadium, Cuttack on 18.02.2013. The
final will be a day & night match and will start at 01:30 PM.
India Post cricket team will be
selected based on the performance of the players in this tournament. The India
Post Cup is scheduled to be played in April at Vadodara.
The inaugural ceremony will be held
at Railway Stadium, Bhubneswar on 14.02.2013 at 08:30AM. Shri Praveen Gupta,
Chief General Manager, SBI, Bhubaneswar Circle will be the Chief Guest and Dr.
Achyuta Samanta, Founder, KIIT University will be the Guest of Honour in the
inauguration ceremony.
The closing ceremony will be held at
Barbati Stadium, Cuttack on 18.02.2013 at 07:30PM. Shri N.K. Bhoi, Chief
General Manager, BSNL, Odisha Circle will be the Chief Guest and Shri Asirbad
Behera, Secretary, Odisha Cricket Association will be the Guest of Honour in
the closing ceremony.
S.K. Chakrabarti,
All India Postal Cricket Tournament
Chief Postmaster General,
Circle, Bhubaneswar-751001
Teams participating in the 26th All India Postal Cricket Tournament organized by the Odisha Circle Postal Sports Board are as follows:-
West Bengal
Andhra Pradesh
J & K
Himachal Pradesh
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