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Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Com. Trilochan Jena and Com. P K Mohapatra retired on superannuation on 31.12.2014
Happy New Year-2015
May this New Year give you
the courage to triumph over the vices and embrace the virtues. May the year
2015 give you the opportunity to realise your dreams, rediscover your
strengths, muster your willpower and rejoice the simple pleasures that life
would bring your way.
The All India Postal
Employees Union, Group-C, Bhubaneswar Division wishes all a very very happy and
prosperous New Year.
B Samal
Secretary, AIPEU, Gr.-C
Best wishes for retirement on superannuation
The following
officials of Bhubaneswar Division are retiring on 31.12.2014 on attaining the
age of superannuation.
1. Sri Trilochan Jena, P A, Bhubaneswar GPO
2. Sri Pramod Kumar Mohapatra, SPM, Bhatpatna
AIPEU, Group-C,
Bhubaneswar Division wishes all a happy and healthy retired life.
I T Modernization Project Update # 14 ( December, 2014 )
Letter to Chief Secretaries regarding furnishing of information relating to Assets and Liabilities by Public Servants under section 44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013
Amendment to Small Savings Schemes, 2014
Click Here to view the Gazette Notification published by the Ministry of Finance relating to :
1. Post Office Savings Bank General ( Amendment) Rules, 2014
2. Post Office Savings Account (Amendment) Rules, 2014
3. Post Office Recurring Deposit (Amendment) Rules, 2014
4. Post Office Time Deposit (Amendment) Rules, 2014
5. Post Office Monthly Income Account (Amendment) Rules, 2014
6. Senior Citizen Savings Scheme (Amendment) Rules, 2014
7. Public Provident Fund Scheme ( Amendment) Rules, 2014
8. National Savings Certificates ( VIII Issue) (Amendment) Rules, 2014
9. National Savings Certificates ( IX Issue) (Amendment) Rules, 2014
Ensuring ‘Nanyatha’ in service
VISAKHAPATNAM, December 31, 2014
Android software launched to track letterbox clearances. To improve its business, it has sought AP Government’s permission to sell non-judicial stamp papers. It would also explore the possibility of entering e-commerce by developing a website to market products.
Android software for monitoring of letter box clearances is planned to be expanded all over Andhra Pradesh and Telangana by June-July 2015, Chief Post Master General B.V. Sudhakar has said.
He told reporters after launching the software ‘Nanyatha’ at Lawson’s Bay Post Office here on Tuesday that by January-end it would cover all the post offices in Visakhapatnam. The monitoring is already in place in Hyderabad and Vijayawada.
The software is aimed at cutting delay at clearance stage to address a frequent complaint over delay in delivery. The man clearing the post box will be given an android phone and the post-box lid will have a bar code. Using the device, he has to send the number of letters cleared to the AP Posts website which then scans the bar code to identify where it has been cleared, by whom and what time. Postal Department has plans to implement the software, developed in house, all over the country.
Mr. Sudhakar said the AP Circle has been leveraging technology to improve services and business deficit was brought down from Rs.465 crore in 2011-12 to Rs.387 crore in 2012-13 and to Rs.265 in 2013-14. “Contrary to popular perception, our business is increasing and the number of letters delivered has gone up from 19 lakh every day in the previous year to 22 lakh this year,” he said.
Mr. Sudhakar said soon the facility to withdraw cash, up to Rs.1,000, at post offices by swiping would be introduced. In the next phase, it would be extended to cashless transactions for booking speed post, registered post, parcels etc by using credit and debit cards. To improve its business, it has sought AP Government’s permission to sell non-judicial stamp papers. It would also explore the possibility of entering e-commerce by developing a website to market products.
TTD darsan tickets
The facility to buy TTD’s Special Darsan and Sudarshanam tokens will be introduced in 95 head post offices of AP and Telangana Circles from January 5, Chief Post Master General B.V. Sudhakar has said.
Source :
Delegation of Financial Powers to Heads of Circles in the Department of Posts
Mid Career Development Programme at PTC Darbhanga for the P As of Bhubaneswar Division
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Gramin dak Sevaks do not want sepereate gds committee
Seperate committee (whether Judicial or Bureaucratic)
is a wAste and farce.
Ø 2.76 lakhsGDS do not want a separate GDS Committee.
Ø 2.76 lakhs GDS want inclusion of GDS in the 7th CPC.
Ø NFPE & AIPEU-GDS(NFPE) demanding inclusion of GDS in 7th CPC.
Ø FNPO & NUGDS demanding inclusion of GDS in 7th CPC.
Ø Confederation of Central Govt. Employees & Workers demanding inclusion of GDS in 7th CPC.
Ø JCM National Council (staff side) organisations including Railway & Defense Federations demanding inclusion of GDS in 7th CPC.
But Recognised GDS Union of Shri.Mahadevaiah is demanding Separte Committee for GDS
* Hon’ble Supreme Court stated that GDS are Civil Servants and they are Central Govt. Employees.
* Justice Singhal, Chairman 4th PC stated GDS are Civil Servants and they are Central Govt. Employees.
* Justice Charanjit Jalwar stated that GDS are Civil Servants and they are Central Govt. Employees.
* Talwar Committee recommended to the Govt. that GDS should be included in Pay Commission and no separate committee should be appointed in future.
* Govt. appointed 7th Pay Commission for Central Govt. Employees.
* NFPE & AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) says GDS are part of Central Govt. Employees and they should be included in 7th CPC itself.
* Confederation of Central Govt. Employees& Workers says that GDS are part of Central Govt. Employees and they should be incuded in 7th CPC itself.
* JCM National Council (staff side) orgisastions including Railway & Defence Federations says GDS are part of Central Govt. Employees and they should be included in 7th CPC itself.
* But recognised GDS union of Shri. Mahadevaiah accepted the Govt. stand that GDS are not part of Central Govt. Employees and hence he is demanding seperate committee for GDS. He don’t want GDS to be included in 7th CPC. His main demand in the charter of demandS is seperate committee for GDS .
* NFPE & AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) declared joint indefinite strike under the banner of JCA from 2015 May 6th for inclusion of GDS in 7th CPC.
* FNPO & NUGDS also declared joint indefinite strike under the banner of JCA from 2015 May 6th for inclusion of GDS in 7th CPC.
& Confederation, Railways & Defence Federations organised joint National Convention of entire JCM staff side orgnisations and decided to organise massive Parliament March in April 2015 to declare indefinite strike of entire Central Govt. Employees. Inclusion of GDS in 7th CPC is included in the charter of demands as number one demand.
Recognised GDS union of Shri Mahadevaiah don’t want joint strike of GDS & regular employees. He always declares fragmented strike to torpedo the unity of GDS and regulr employees. He is desperately trying to retain his control over GDS. He has written to the Govt. not to allow NFPE & FNPO to discuss GDS issues. Govt. also wants to divide GDS and Regular employees so that they can easily deny the legitimate demands of the GDS including Civil Servant status and all benefits of regular employees.
Let us organise Joint indefinite Strike of five LAkhs GDS & Regular employees from 2015 May 6th under the banner of Postal Joint Council of Action (NFPE, FNPO, AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) & NUGDS) demanding inclusion of GDS in 7th CPC & grant of all benefits of regular employees to GDS also.
Recognised GDS union of Mahadevaiah is against filing case in Supreme Court for grant of Civil Servant status and all benefits of regular employees to GDS. NFPE & AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) has filed a Writ Petition in Supreme Court and after the preliminary hearing Supreme Court transferred the case to Delhi High Court. The next hearing of the case in Delhi High Court is on 4th February, 2015.
But Shri. Mahadevaiah had filed a case in the Karnataka High Court for his own benefit requesting to grant Foreign Service benefits to him. (Writ Petition No.24106/2005 (S.CAT).
When he has filed Writ Petition in High Court for his own benefit it is perfectly alright, but when NFPE & AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) filed case in Supreme Court for the benefit of 2.76 lakhs GDS he is ridiculing it and opposing it.
P.Panduranga Rao R.N.Parashar
General Secretary. Secretary General,
(NB: Shri.Mahadevaiah has published in December 2014 a circular in his website in which again he has used filthy and unparliamentary language against the NFPE leadership. He has called the leadership of NFPE as “Cowards” “impotent” and “liars”. NFPE & AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) don’t want to stoop to the level of Shri. Mahadevaiah by replying him using such indecent and low-level third-rate language in our writeups).
'Technology to be used to provide quick postal services'
VISAKHAPATNAM: The postal department will use new technology to provide quick service to customers and introduce new products to generate revenue, Chief Post Master General of Andhra Pradesh Circle B V Sudhakar said here today.
Launching a smart phone-based Andriod solution to monitor letter box clearance at the Lawson's Bay Colony post office here today, he said that the facility is now functioning at Hyderabad and Vijayawada.
Launching a smart phone-based Andriod solution to monitor letter box clearance at the Lawson's Bay Colony post office here today, he said that the facility is now functioning at Hyderabad and Vijayawada.
The facility will enable people and the postal department to know the status of letter box clearance and its dispatch to customers through a a smartphone which would be given to postal clearance personnel who clear post boxes.
He said that 700 post boxes are being monitored using the solution, which would be extended to more than 500 post boxes in Visakhapatnam in a phased manner by February 2015.
He said that the Andhra Pradesh circle has decided to sell Tirumala Darshan tickets of Rs 50 and Rs 300 denomination through all 95 head post offices in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana region from January 5, 2015. The facility would be extended all sub-post offices in the circle from February 2015, he said.
He said that the postal department had already begun selling non-judicial stamps through post offices in the Telangana region.
Cashless transactions would be introduced in post offices in the rural areas, he said.
He said that payments for registered post, parcels and other services would be accepted debit and credit cards by installing swiping machines at post offices.
In rural areas where there is no banking facility, the postal department would allow customers to draw upto Rs 1,000 from post offices.
He said that the postal department's revenue deficit had come down from Rs 465 crore in 2011-12
to Rs 265 crore in 2013-14, adding that it has been planned to wipe out the deficit in 2014-15.
Source :
He said that the postal department had already begun selling non-judicial stamps through post offices in the Telangana region.
Cashless transactions would be introduced in post offices in the rural areas, he said.
He said that payments for registered post, parcels and other services would be accepted debit and credit cards by installing swiping machines at post offices.
In rural areas where there is no banking facility, the postal department would allow customers to draw upto Rs 1,000 from post offices.
He said that the postal department's revenue deficit had come down from Rs 465 crore in 2011-12
to Rs 265 crore in 2013-14, adding that it has been planned to wipe out the deficit in 2014-15.
Source :
More Photographs on CBS Roll out at Athagarh H O
Minutes of the JCM, Departmental Council eeting held on 16/12/2014
SB Order No 13/2014 : Grant of Savings Bank allowance to Postal Assistants working in Savings Bank / Certificate Branches - Clarification - reg

Eligibility of SB Allowance of SB qualified officials
The eligibility for appearing for the SB Aptitude test is reduced from
5 years to one year vide SB order No. 16/2011 dated 23.08.2011. The principal
SB order No. 26/89 issued vide DG Posts letter No. 2-3/86-SB dated
27.04.1989, it is prescribed that the SB Allowance will be admissible only to
those Postal Assistants who are selected to be posted in SB Branch having at
least 5 years of service with good record and pass in the aptitude test/such
other test as may be prescribed and the allowance will be paid for the period
they actually work in the SB Branch.
Subsequently vide SB order No. 16/2011 issued vide Directorate letter
No. 113-07/2010-SB dated 23.08.2011, the eligibility for appearing in the SB
Aptitude test is reduced to one year and many young Postal Assistants are now
qualified and they are denied for grant of SB Allowance s the principal SB
order No. 26/89 requires a revision in consonance with the subsequent SB
order No. 16/2011.
Hence it is requested to cause suitable clarification allowing the
drawal of SB Allowance to the officials qualified irrespective of their
service and render justice at the earliest.
Can this app transform India's postal chaos?
(CNN) -- Most Indian cities are busy with cluttered streets, winding and hidden alleyways -- every postman's nightmare. Informal structures stand side by side with formal ones making navigation challenging -- even for locals -- and these cities are only going to keep sprawling, fast. By some estimates, the country's urban population alone will surpass 500-million by 2030: almost double the entire population of the US.
Zippr's Aditya Vuchi hopes to fix the broken postal format in India's exploding economy.
CNN: Why do you think India needs a service like Zippr?
Aditya Vuchi: Newer localities, newer cities are now coming up much faster than even the postal department is able to keep up with. As a result, large parts of India today don't have structured addresses.
CNN: There are often no building numbers or street names. How will Zippr tackle this?
AV: It solves the problem of explaining your address in a complicated way. We have mobile applications -- Android and IOS -- as well as on the web, where you go on to the app. Point on your map where your home or office is, give all your address information one time including landmarks, and the system generates a Zippr code.
That short 8-character unique code can then be shared with others, taking users to an exact location on Google Maps with directions.
CNN: More than 80 per cent of India's population still lives in an offline world of SMS messages and phone calls. How will Zippr reach these potential customers?
AV: Going forward, we're going to enable finding out an address via SMS channels where you text a Zippr code to a number and get an automatic response back with the full address, as well as directions to get there.
CNN: How many people do you think the service has the scope to reach?
AV: The vision that we are chasing at Zippr is to impact a billion lives. We feel that we have a serious shot at making lives so much better in India.
Change in date of birth/age of family pensioners for payment of additional pension
No. 1(11)/2009-D (Pen/Pol)
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare
New Delhi 110011
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare
New Delhi 110011
Dated : 23rd December 2014
The Chief of the Army Staff
The Chief of the Naval Staff
The Chief of the Air Staff
The Chief of the Army Staff
The Chief of the Naval Staff
The Chief of the Air Staff
Subject : Change in date of birth/age of family pensioners for payment of additional pension.
In accordance with the instructions issued vide GOI, MOD letter no. 17(4)/2008(1)-D (Pen/Policy) dated 11.11.2008 and GOI, MOD letter No. 1(11)/2009-D (Pen/Policy) dated 18th Aug 2009, additional pension/ family pension is allowed on the basis of the date of birth/age recorded in the Pension Payment Order/Discharge Certificate or other office records. Only in cases where the details regarding date of birth/age are not available in the PPO/Discharge Certificate or Office records, additional pension/family pension to old pensioners/family pensioners has been allowed on the basis of following documents �
In accordance with the instructions issued vide GOI, MOD letter no. 17(4)/2008(1)-D (Pen/Policy) dated 11.11.2008 and GOI, MOD letter No. 1(11)/2009-D (Pen/Policy) dated 18th Aug 2009, additional pension/ family pension is allowed on the basis of the date of birth/age recorded in the Pension Payment Order/Discharge Certificate or other office records. Only in cases where the details regarding date of birth/age are not available in the PPO/Discharge Certificate or Office records, additional pension/family pension to old pensioners/family pensioners has been allowed on the basis of following documents �
a) PAN Card
b) Matriculation Certificate (containing information regarding date of birth)
c) Passport
d) ECHS Card
e) Driving License (if it contains date of birth)
f) Election ID Card
b) Matriculation Certificate (containing information regarding date of birth)
c) Passport
d) ECHS Card
e) Driving License (if it contains date of birth)
f) Election ID Card
2. Some representations have been received in the MOD regarding the hardship being caused to old family pensioners in getting the additional pension on account of incorrect recording of the date of birth/age in the PPO. They have been requesting for allowing the change of date of birth in the PPO on the basis of the documents prescribed in Para 1 above. The matter has been examined in the Ministry and (after issue of Deptt. Of P & PW OM No. 1/23/2012 P&PW (E) dated 13.09.2012) following decisions have been taken :-
(i) Since the date of birth/age of the armed forces personnel is recorded in the PPO on the basis of service records and the date of discharge/retirement/superannuation etc is determined on the basis of this date of birth/age there would be no question of allowing change in the date of birth/age of the retired/deceased pensioner in the PPO. The matter has been examined further. Considering the difficulty in producing any of the above mentioned documents as proof of age by the old pensioners. It has now been decided that the Aadhaar Card issued by UIDAI may also be accepted as proof of date of birth/age for payment of additional pension/family pension on completion of 80 years of age or above.
(ii) The request for change of date of birth/age of the family pensioner (Parents and Spouse) in the PPO may be submitted by the armed forces pensioner/family pensioner, to the concerned Record Office in case of JCO/Ors and, service HQrs in case of Commissioned Officers along with at least one of the documents mentioned in Para I above/Aadhaar Card and declaration on a non-judicial stamp paper regarding the correct date of birth of the family pensioner. If the Head of the Department/Record Office is satisfied then the change in the date of birth of the family pensioner may be allowed provided a bona-fide mistake has been made in recording the date of birth in the PPO. As the entry in the PPO needs to be rectified, it would be carried out by PSA by issuing the Corr PPO on the advice of OIC Records/Head of Office.
(iii) No other document except as indicated in Para 1 above and Aadhaar Card issued by UIDAI will be accepted for change in date of birth/age of the family pensioner in the PPO.
3. In order to avoid any possibility of recording an incorrect date of birth in the PPO, in future the Armed Forces Personnel would be required to submit one of the documents indicated / in Para 1 above or Aadhaar Card issued by UIDAI as proof of date of birth of spouse or parents along with the details of family as indicated in service records of service officer / personnel. In the case of children, certificate of birth from the Municipal authorities or from the local Panchayat or from the head of a recognized school if he/she is studying in such a school or from a Board of Education may be accepted as proof of age.
4. This issues with the concurrence of Ministry of Defence (Finance) vide their ID No. 31(7)/09/FIN/PEN dated 21/11/2014.
Yours faithfully,
(Prem Prakash)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Clarification regarding issue of medicines under CGHS
No. 2-2/2014/CGHS(HQ)/PPTY / CGHS(P)
Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Department of Health & Family Welfare
Nirman Bhawan, Maulana Azad Road
New Delhi 110 108
Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Department of Health & Family Welfare
Nirman Bhawan, Maulana Azad Road
New Delhi 110 108
Dated: the 23rd December, 2014
With reference to the above mentioned subject the undersigned is directed to state that the situation arising out of issue of Office Memorandum No 2/2014/CGHS(HQ)/PPTY / CGHS(P) dated the 25th August ,2014 has been engaging the attention of Government for quite some time. Various representations about the difficulties being encountered have been received from different stakeholders i.e., beneficiaries and doctors, necessitating a review of the matter. It was accordingly considered by a Committee under the Chairmanship of AS&DG,CGHS. After careful review and keeping the recommendations of the Committee in mind, the following guidelines are issued to streamline the functioning of the Wellness Centres:
i. The medicines are to be issued as per the CGHS Formulary and guidelines issued by this Ministry in this behalf.
ii. In case the prescribed medicines are not available in CGHS formulary, but are essential for the treatment of the patient, they can be issued / indented by the doctors of the CGHS Wellness Centre on the basis of a valid prescription of the authorized specialist subject to the condition that such medicines are neither dietary supplements/ food items nor banned drugs. Instructions on this issue i.e., non-admissibility of food items etc. issued vide O.M .No. 39-3/2003-04/CGHS/MSD/RS dated 23rd July 2009 and 3rd August 2009 must be followed.
iii. In case of anti-cancer drugs and other life-saving drugs that are not approved by the DCG1 for use in India, each case should be considered by the Expert Committee under the Chairmanship of Special DG(DGHS).
iv. The technical Standing Committee constituted vide 2-2/2014/CGHS(HQ)/PPTY / CGHS(P) dated 27.08.2014 of this Ministry will review addition or deletion of drugs in the CGHS Formulary/ list of Treatment procedures / investigations / listed implants. The Technical Committee will meet once in three months or as per need, whichever is earlier. In the meantime reimbursement for unlisted procedures / implants will be made at the rates approved by AIIMS/GB Pant Hospital / actuals, whichever is less.
2. The O.M. of even number dated 25.08.2014 is superseded to the above extent while O.M. of even number dated 1.10.2014 is withdrawn.
(Bindu Tiwari)
Director, CGHS(P)
(Tel 2306 1831)
Director, CGHS(P)
(Tel 2306 1831)
CBS Rollout - JAN 2015 - First Fortnight Plan for Odisha Circle
Sl. No
Name of the Office with Status(HO/SO))
Date of golive
Mock Migration Date
Cuttack GPO
Sambalpur HO
Bhawanipatna HO
Bhadrak HO
Balasore HO
Bargarh H.O
Latest Seventh CPC News
Due to unavoidable circumstances, the Commission's visit to Kolkata / Andaman & Nicobar Islands has been rescheduled. As per the revised schedule, the Commission will visit Kolkata from 11th - 14th January, 2015.
C B S Rolled out at Rourkela HO on 29.12.2014

CBS “GO-LIVE” at Athagarh HO -754029 Cuttack South Division, HQ Region on 29-12-2014.
First CBS Post Office of Cuttack South Division
Third CBS Head Post Office of HQ Region.
Sixth CBS Post Office of Odisha Circle next to Bhubaneswar GPO , Raj Bhawan S O ,Chandinichowk HO,Bhanjanagar HO and Aska HO(Ganjam)
Inauguration by Sri Tilak De, Chief Postmaster General, Odisha Circle in the presence of Sri P K Patra, SPOs, Cuttack South Division

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