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Friday, October 14, 2016

AIPEU, Gr-C, Odisha Circle reminds NFPE, CHQ for arranging roll back of the inhuman order of the Directorate to work on Sundays / Holidays

Dear Com. Parasharji,
This is in continuation to our letter through E-Mail dated 07-10-2016 (attached again). No tangible action has been caused by NFPE on such a sensitive issue. Our strong protests by physical discussion for more than 3 hours with CPMC I/C Odisha circle to cancel such arbitrary order to open the post offices on Sundays & festive occasions were found futile on the plea of Directorate orders. This has caused deprivation to staff for getting their legitimate week end off (Sunday on 09-10-2016) and to celebrate Dussehera festive occasion with their family on 10-10-16 to 12.10.2016.

The Directorate order also has envisaged for opening of post offices for such delivery work up to January 2017. It is urged upon for taking up this issue very strongly against the arbitrary abolition of Sundays & festive holidays to avoid resentment of staff all over the country. 

Further, action may kindly be taken for roll back of such inhuman order of the Directorate immediately, so as to avoid inconvenience caused to staff in coming days. 



Yours Sincerely

Circle Secretary AIPEU, Gr-C, Odisha Circle.

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