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Saturday, June 11, 2016

Now, collect mail at your convenience

CHENNAI, June 11, 2016

Newly launched ‘Own your post box’ scheme by Department of Posts to benefit IT employees

Here is a way to protect your privacy and receive mail without any hassle. Instead of worrying about the timings of mail delivery, individuals can now have their own post box that will keep mail safe until they are ready to collect it.

As a step to reach out to IT employees who have issues in receiving letters and parcels during work hours, ‘Own your post box’ scheme was launched by Chennai City Postal Region along with Nasscom (National Association of Software and Services Companies) on Friday. This will also reduce the burden of postmen and women who face challenges delivering mails to IT firms.

The service is now open for all individuals. These post boxes with dedicated numbers are nothing but row of pigeon-hole facilities at post offices where mail will be stored.

“I still depend on postal services for communication from banks and receive bills by post. I hired a post box Rs.150 a year,” said M. Ramalakshmi, an IT employee from Taramani. Some of her colleagues too have availed service.

Mervin Alexander, Postmaster General (CCR), said instead of full postal address, people could just use their post box number and not worry about change of address. An intimation slip will be dropped in the post box to facilitate customers to collect parcels. “We will write to HR departments of IT companies about the facility for their employees,” he said. The department has rented out nearly 2,500 post boxes and post bags to many companies in the city. It earns a revenue of Rs.3.90 lakh a year in this manner.

K. Purushothaman, Nasscom’s senior director —Tamil Nadu and Kerala — noted that not all IT firms had mail rooms where employees could collect personal mail. More awareness would be created about the initiative to help seamless delivery of mail to IT employees.

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