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Monday, September 8, 2014

Five tips to be the most popular person in office

We all want to be liked, and that's especially true at work. 
Winning over your boss, colleagues, and clients can help you get ahead in your career. 
In a recent LinkedIn post, Jane Anderson, a personal branding strategist, explains the key to likeability: "[Make] it less about you and more about them." 
Here are five ways to focus on others and get them to like you, as outlined by Anderson: 

Ask questions. 

People love to talk about themselves - it's human nature. Use this fact to your advantage by asking questions about the other person's life, projects, and interests. "Each person is their own favorite subject and everything you say they will relate their own experience," Anderson explains. Instead of making forced small talk, genuinely engaging with your colleague will make them feel important, which is always a positive sentiment. 

Hand out compliments. 

Always look for a positive compliment you can give coworkers or your boss, especially if you notice they're having a rough day. It can be anything as simple as saying you like their shirt or mentioning their new haircut, Anderson says. Everyone likes to feel appreciated, and even the simplest positive comment can brighten an individual's entire day. But remember to keep it genuine - people can tell if you're being fake. 

Pay attention to body language. 

Reading the situation before starting a conversation is key to steering it in the right direction and building rapport. "Watch all the non-verbal cues and body language," Anderson says. "Look for micro expressions and their eye contact." For example, if someone is clearly in a hurry, it's not the time to strike up a leisurely conversation, as it will only annoy them. 

Make eye contact. 

"Direct eye contact builds trust quickly," Anderson says. It shows that you're paying attention to what they're saying, and that you actually care. Maintaining eye contact throughout the entire conversation will also encourage the other person to do the same, which makes them more likely to listen to what you're saying as well. 


Not taking yourself too seriously makes it easy for other people to like you, Anderson advises, so be the first one to offer up a joke or lighten the mood during a stressful workday. If you're willing to laugh at yourself, it opens up the floor for other people to laugh with you.
Source:-The Economic Times

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