1. The Confirmation Examination of PO/RMS/RLO/PSD/MMS Assistants will be held on 22-5-2011 (Sunday) from 10.00 hours to 13.00 hours. For the purpose, the Centre Supervisors have been requested by the Circle office to depute a special messenger (not below the cadre of IPOs) to receive the Question Papers from C O by 19th May, 2011.
2. The Licentiate Examination of Direct Agents has been scheduled be held on 12.06.2011 and the hall permits in respect of the agents working under different divisions have been dispatched since 06.05.2011.
3. The Chief PMG has approved the composition of DPC for selection of MTS on the basis of latest recruitment rules 2011. As such, all Unit Heads have been instructed by C O to fill up the vacancies on the basis of latest recruitment rules for the post of Multi Tasking Staff.
4. The Induction Training Programme is commencing from 29-5-2011 at PTC, Vadodara. As such, Circle office, Bhubaneswar has requested all Unit heads to intimate the exact number of candidates awaiting Induction Training and number of candidates in respect of whom pre-appointment formalities ( Caste certificate verification, Educational certificate verification & Police verification ) has been completed and they are ready to be directed for Induction Training which will commence on 29-5-2011 and will be terminated on 23-7-2011 (8 weeks duration).
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