A delegation of NFPE & AIPEU-GDS consisting of Com. R.N.Parashar, Secretaryy General, Com.P. Pandurangarao, General Secretary, AIPEU-GDS, Com.M.Krishnan, Secretary General, Confederation Com.K.V.Sridharan, former General Secretary, AIPEU Gr.C., Com. Giriraj singh President, NFPE and Com. Balwinder Sing, Financial Secretary, Gr.C (CHQ) tendered oral evidence before the Chairman, GDS Committee, headed by Shri Kamalesh Chandra in New Delhi on 26-05-2016.

The following are the gist of discussions and the demands placed by delegation.
The GDS are ‘holders of civil post’ as per the Supreme Court judgement and they can not be kept apart as a separate class with in the class. They should be covered under Article 309 & 311 of the Constitution of India. They should be treated as ‘civil servants’ apart from regular service but within the ambit of ‘Civil service’ with pro rata benefits as applicable to the regular employees according to the working hours and also the workload.
Notwithstanding our claim for departmentalization of GDS and Grant of Civil status, under Article 309 & 311 of union constitution the following issues are requiring consideration.
(i) The Nomenclature of GDS shall be declared as ‘Rural Postal Employees’ or Gramin Dak Karmachari”.
(ii) Make GDS full time job by extending various innovative schemes.
(iii) Prorata wages at par with regular civil servants.
Norms may be introduced for calculation of wages instead of honorarium & incentives.
(i) Work related to RPLI like procurement of proposal & issuing receipts
(ii) Work related to verification of Electoral & Election work
(iii) Work related to collecting statistics for Census etc.
(iv) Work related to M.G. National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme
(v) Verification of Mobile Phone Bill Connections of various companies & BSNL
(vi) Collection of Telephone Bills at BOs
(vii) Acceptance of Electricity Bills at BOs
(viii) Acceptance of Water Bills at BOs
(ix) Carrying out business activities through BOs like delivering of E-post etc.
(x) Various social security schemes & Direct Benefit Transfer schemes introduced in various States through BOs.
(xi) Cash remittance from BOs to Accounts office.
(xii) Opening of new accounts
(xiii) Marketing activities.
(xiv) Old age Pension & Disability Pension
(i) No GDS should be employed less than 5 hours work, per day.
(ii) Maximum of 8 hours with ½ hour lunch break.
(iii) Pay equations:
GDS BPM : Postal Assistant
GDS MD/SV: Postmen
(iv) Increment shall be at par with regular employees.
(v) The Nomenclature of TRCA shall be replaced with pay.
(vi) Weightage:The length of service shall be taken and Point to Point fixation for GDS.
(vii) Date of effect shall be 1.1.2016
(viii) Wages should not be reduced under any circumstances.
(i) HRA must be granted to GDS at Par with regular employees.
(ii) Transport Allowance proportionate to regular employees.
(iii) For attending holiday & Sunday duties, double the allowance shall be paid
(iv) TA/DA shall be granted to seasonal Post offices.
(v) Split Duty Allowance for GDS Packrs in Sub Offices
(vi) Children Educational Allowance has to be introduced.
(vii) Boat allowance shall be Rs.350/- PM.
(viii) Special Duty Allowance to GDS (NE) – Proportionate to regular employees.
(ix) Revival of Uttarakhand Allowance @ Rs.1000/- PM.
(x) Grant of Remote Area/Naxalite Threat Area/Hill Area Allowance to GDS.
(xi) Miscellaneous Allowances viz., bad climate Allowance, Project allowance may be extended.
(i) Medical Attendance facilities – Reimbursement of Medical Claims for in Patient & out Patient treatments.
(ii) Funeral Allowance of Rs.10,000/- to the family of deceased GDS.
(iii) Circle Welfare Fund Scheme – Subscription shall be Rs.50/- per month.
6. LEAVE :All kinds of leave to be granted at par with regular employees-
(i) Encashment of leave salary to be extended to GDS.
(ii) Provision of Commuted leave facilities.
(iii) Retrograde Provisions of 180 days shall be dispensed with.
(iv) Maternity leave – 180 days from Government exchequer and not from the Circle Welfare Fund. Circle Welfare fund shall meant for grant for illness, education etc.
(v) Child care leave, Child Adoption leave to GDS.
(vi) Special disability leave to GDS – can also be extended from Dog, Snake bite etc. as in the case of Postmen.
(i) Proportionate Minimum pension/Family Pension at par with regular employees.
(ii) GDS shall be brought under the Gratuity Act.
(iii) SDBS Pension Scheme shall be replaced with regular scheme. At least 10% of Pay shall be recovered from GDS & 20% shall be credited by Government as a Welfare Scheme. The present sanction of Rs.1500/- per year for Severance Amount to Pre 2011 GDS shall be enhanced.
(iv) Commutation Pension shall be introduced.
(v) Group Insurance Scheme – Monthly subscription Rs.100/- for the insurance coverage of Rs.2,00,000, 50% of Subscription shall be borne by the Department. Savings Fund shall be reviewed and enhanced.
(i) The word ‘engagement’ shall be replaced with appointment.
(ii) 100% Posts in MTS & Postmen cadres shall be reserved for GDS.
(iii) GDS shall be permitted to write LGO Exam alongwith Postmen/MTS for recorded vacancies.
(iv) Three Financial upgradations after completing 10, 20 & 30 years of service.
(v) No Minimum service for appearing Postmen examination.
(i) The existing GDS Engagement & Conduct Rules, 2011 shall be replaced with CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 & Conduct Rules 1964.
(ii) The GDS Rules must be declared as statutory Rules as per proviso of Article 309.
(i) Present income & cost of BOs calculation should be reviewed along with all the new items of work
(ii) Foot beat & cycle beat may be revived.
(iii) Idle wait of GDS MCS shall be include in the work norms.
(iv) Uniforms to outdoor staff.
(v) Rationalisation of GDS into three categories of GDS one Postmaster, the second Postmen and third auxiliary MTS staff. They may be fixed with only two scales of running pay (Minimum 5 hours & for upto 8 hours with uniform annual increase of 3% per annum.
(vi) BO shall open for minimum 5 hours and maximum of 8 hours.
(vii) GDS in Metropolitan cities shall be upgraded to MTS Posts.
(viii) All GDS MM Posts in larger Platforms shall be upgraded to Mailmen MTS posts.
(ix) FSC at par with Departmental Post offices to BOs.
(x) LTC facilities may be extended to GDS
(xi) Lunch break/Tea break shall be provided
(xii) Total length of the GDS Service shall be taken as Qualifying service for all purposes.
(xiii) Rescind the restrictions and restore status Quo ante in case of compassionate appointments in GDS cadre.
(xiv) Advances like Festival, HBA, Motor Car, Computer Advance shall be introduced to GDS. Flood Advance shall be revised to Rs.10000/-.
(xv) Rent for BOs shall be fixed as per the market rates and paid by the Department.
(xvi) Office Maintenance Allowance shall be modified as ‘office rent’.
(xvii) Electricity charges for BO shall be borne by the Department.
(xviii) Combination of duty which is having adverse effect shall be dispensed with.
(xix) Alternate source of Income shall not be insisted for GDS appointments.
(xx) Incentive for promoting small family norms shall be introduced to GDS also.
(xxi) Incentive to GDS Sports Person has to be introduced.
(xxii) Grant of TA/DA for conveyance of cash – At least Rs.100/- per occasion shall be granted.
(xxiii) Any GDS summoned for witness in Inquiry shall be paid TA/DA
(xxiv) All terminal benefits shall be paid to GDS on the date of retirement at par with regular employees.
(xxv) The date of retirement of shall be the last date of the month.
(xxvi) If any additional work is entrusted, the establishment review must be under taken to enhance the pay.
(xxvii) Security Bond system to be dropped, as per Vth CPC report.
(xxviii) Co-operative dues can be recovered from GDS.
(xxix) BO Rule book with updated correction shall be supplied once in two years.
(xxx) The exam fee shall be waived.
(xxxi) Identify card to the GDS shall be supplied by the Department at departmental cost.
(xxxii)There should be no loss of annual increase/increment on availing the transfer facilities to GDS.
(xxxiii)Revenue generated from all items of work has to be added for apportioned income of BOs.
(xxxiv)BPM should be treated as a skilled worker as it requires a technical certificate for the recruitment.
(xxxv)Training & retraining must be given frequently in the guise of Rural ICT and introduction of various new schemes.
(i) All Trade Union facilities like meetings, special casual leave etc. as if available to regular staff at all levels.
(ii) The Facility of Foreign Service and JCM Provision shall be extended the GDS. Allocation of seats in the JCM (DC) for GDS shall be considered.
DATED : 26-05-2016
The Chairman, GDS Committee gave a patience hearing on the above all items and assured consideration.
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