at Bhubaneswar the 18th June, 2015
ToThe Senior Superintendent of Post Offices
Bhubaneswar Division, Bhubaneswar – 751 009
Sub:- Resolutions adopted in the Divisional
Working Committee Meeting dated 14.06.2015.
It is needless to mention that due
to hasty migration of post offices to CBS platform without required hardware,
technical and manpower support, the staff members are suffering like anything. The fixed duty hour of the employees has now been a
question. The staff members working in
CBS Post Offices as well as the SPMs in single / double-handed delivery post
offices are the worst sufferers. With acute shortage
of staff and increased working hours, additional pressure due unachievable
targets for POSB, PLI / RPLI and business products, frequent system problems
due to insufficient bandwidth, improper software, inadequate professionals and
outdated accessories, compulsion of cent percent delivery in the absence of
adequate delivery staff and support system, introduction of new products and
services without proper education and training to the employees and such other
problems arising out of computerization and modernization, the sufferings of
the staff members beggar description.
While the staff members are quite
confident and efficient to render effective service delivery, they are being misbehaved
either by the customers or charged by the administration for no fault of their
own. Though many of such problems have already been discussed in the monthly
union meetings, we have not yet witnessed any remarkable progress till date. This
union in its Working Committee Meeting dated 14.06.2015 has taken a serious
note of it.
A copy of the resolutions adopted
unanimously in the Divisional Working Committee Meeting of this union on
14.06.2015 on the above issues is enclosed here with for kind information and
necessary action.
We would like to request the SSPOs
to kindly go through the problems and arrange for immediate solution in a time
bound manner.
Copy through eMail for kind information and
necessary action at appropriate level to :
1. The
Circle Secretary, AIPEU, Group-C, Odisha Circle branch, PSD, Bhubaneswar – 751 007
The General
Secretary, AIPEU, Group-C, CHQ, New Delhi – 110 008
The Secretary General,
NFPE, New Delhi – 110 001
Resolutions adopted in the
Divisional Working Committee Meeting of AIPEU, Group-C, Bhubaneswar Division
dated 14.06.2015
Finacle C BS Problems
1. Standard
Account Opening Form to suit the software :
Though CBS has
started since 2013, the AOF (Account Opening Form) has been revised many times
causing inconvenience to the CBS post offices. Contradictorily, no change has
been made in the FINACLE software in accordance with the changing AOFs. ( i.e
if a column is added/subtracted in physical Account Opening Form,
simultaneously necessary changes must be made at Finacle software at account
opening menu option columns)
A standardize AOF should brought to
force instead of changing time to time and an exact replica AOF should at Finacle software at account
opening menu options columns.
2. To
view exact amount during Trial Closure :
In case of closure by
S Os having no power to issue instant cheque, it has to indent cheque from its
HO in Account. But the office has to know the exact closure amount to place the
indent. Finacle does not show the exact amount on the day of presentation of
any account to be closed under trial closure, especially in case of PMI and MIS
There should a
provision in the Finacle software for the purpose.
3. Signature
uploading problems :
There is no provision
to view the signature specifically by the Supervisor under HTM Screen during
payment of interest in MIS, TD and SCSS Accounts creating confusion for
effecting payment. The Finacle software should be upgraded for to address the
doing closer or withdrawal transactions, the Finacle software does not support
to verify the signatures with Error Message, “Application blocked by security
setting”, If we click ‘OK’ to continue, then another message is coming “Do you
want to allow this webpage to access your clipboard”. After clicking ‘Allow Access’ uploaded
signatures are not viewed with error and clicking to view error details a
message is seen as follows: “Your security setting have blocked an application
from running with the resume or expired jre”. The process continued for more
than a week.Later, in cooperation with the SAs, the signatures which could be
viewed now are blurred ( case of Bhoinagar SO and Ashoknagar MDG) . In many
schemes, especially under MDE ( case of Utak University MDG), the signatures
are not being viewed.
Thus, the counter P As and supervisors are confused to
take a decision on withdrawal/closure without signature. There is every chance
of forged payment without valid signature verification. While the work of
certificates are being managed referring the Guard Files, the same for other S
B Schemes is being found difficult for change of CIF.
Immediate action is requested to resolve the issue.
4. Provision
for modification/rectification after migration :
If any Account /
Certificate has been inadvertently left or wrong entry has been made during
Pre-migration, the same is not available for rectification in Finacle software.
There should be provision in the Finacle Software for fresh migration of the
left out entries or modification of the wrong entries. Or else, a definite
procedure should be circulated to all concerned, especially to the CPCs/DMCCs
for necessary guidance in connection with the left out/wrong entries.
5. Provision
of CRESET Menu across SOLs:
Presently the CRESET
menu is available to a particular SOL to SAC the particular SOL user. For
example, the SA attached to Bhubaneswar GPO having SOL ID 75100100 cannot SAC
the locked / disabled users of Ashoknagar MDG having SOL ID 75100901 though it
is coming under Bhubaneswar Division/GPO at the time of exigencies. The
concerned operator/Supervisor of a Post Office with working hours from 9 AM to
5 PM has to wait till opening of CPC having working hours from 10 AM for
CRESET. So the CRESET Menu available
with SAs attached to DO/H Os should be extended
across SOLs so that the S As attached to D Os/H Os can SAC the users
under their respective jurisdiction without receiving the error message “ You
cannot SAC the users of other SOLs”
6. Provision
for printing R D default fine :
At present while
printing the RD passbook the default fine collected from customer not getting
printed in the Pass Book. Customers are raising the issue at counter for the
There should be
provision to print the default fine collected against the defaulted month.
7. Provision
of NSP-1 and NSP-2 from separate service provider :
Some CBS offices have been provided NSP-1(BSNL) and NSP-2
(SIFY) in the same channel i.e only in BSNL. When the BSNL gets down, the NSP-2
provided in the same channel gets down causing dislocation in the work. Whereas
the NSP-2 provided by SIFY should recover the link immediately at the same time
when NSP-1 gets down for continuation of counter works.
At present the SIFY
has nothing to do in this area only collecting money from the Department and
nothing else.
Provision may be
made to give NSP-2 from another service provider for continuation in the link.
8. Provision
for credit of MPKBY Agent commission after verification:
In case of RD
schedule of Agents, while posting at counter by counter P A, immediately the
commission gets credited into the linked SB account of the MPKBY Agent before
the verification by Supervisor.
Provision may be
made not to credit the agent commission before verification by supervisor to
avoid any kind of error at the counter.
Insufficient bandwidth and slow network connectivity issues
Present bandwidth
speed is very less and due to low bandwidth, Finacle page is either not opening
or sometime opening very slowly. Due to this,
PO staff are forced to work up to 10 PM on many days without any
benefit. In many occasions in every CBS migrated office, the 'Login' is
inconsistent and for each transaction "Login" is forced.
slowness of the, many fake accounts get generated automatically by the system
which creates an unfortunate situation at Post Offices. (in case of NSC/KVP).
The problems requires permanent solution.
The MoU made with M/s Sify, for net work integration is limiting to low
bandwidth such as 128 Kbps to 512 Kbps in many areas, serving with 1 server and
4 to5 nodes, resulting in sluggish connectivity and takes hours together to
transform the data. This results in hang over and the transactions could not be
made instantly as the Department
End of day process cannot be made even on daily basis and the staff have
to wait for the nod from the Infosys even after midnights on several days and
at times it can be made on the next day morning. Even the women employees are
compelled to complete the EOD process in midnights and their husbands or wards
are waiting till midnights to take them to home.
At present Bandwidth from BSNL MPLS Cloud to
Central Server is 600MBPS. When this channel gets jammed, the network
slowness happens. The Bandwidth of HOs/SOs has effect from office to BSNL MPLS
Centre.Thus, the Bandwidth from BSNL MPLS Cloud to Central Server is required
to be enhanced at least to 3000MBPS in addition to enhancement of Bandwidth of
HOs/SOs. Otherwise enhancement of Bandwidth of HOs/SOs has a little
effect. Moreover, the situation may be worsened when more SOLs will be added.
If CSI and PLI are migrated and placed on this network the situation may
further worsen.
Thus, this union unanimously resolves and demands to
provide at least 4 MB bandwidth line to HOs, 2 MB bandwidth line to
HSG-I/HSG-II/LSG SOs and 1 MB bandwidth line to B and C class offices.
10. Suitable compensation / off to
officials detained till late hours in the night due to slow connectivity.
It has been a regular
phenomenon to work beyond the normal working hours till late hours in the night
to finish the daily work only due to slow connectivity issues. Instances are
there when officials are being advised to leave the office without executing
EoD and attend office next day early in the morning for completion of previous
day’s work including EoD. Thus, the officials are forced to work for extended
hours. But unfortunately, neither any financial benefit nor suitable off is
being offered to them as a matter of compensation.
Thus, this union
unanimously resolves and demands for granting admissible financial benefit or
suitable off to such officials detained regularly for on fault of their own.
11. Early uploading of AOF / Signature/ Photos:
Many account opening
forms are pending with offices and also at CPC. No action has yet been taken to
upload the images like signature/photos.
this union unanimously resolves and demands for taking early action in this regard.
Failure to print/generate correct report :
In case of SCSS
account, at the time of closing, though the Account is closed with Principal
and Interest due along with PMI, if any, but when the report is generated, the
PMI is added once again in the printout report along with the closing amount
showing excess (PMI amount) under
withdrawal head.
Since the
actual amount is shown under S B Cash reflecting the same in the S O Daily
Account, the above report creates confusion at GPO during compilation. To avoid
this, we have to round up the excess amount in the report manually to avoid
In case of
deposits of R D Accounts through MPKBY Agents, the amount of each schedule
tendered by the agents is not reflected in the LoT. But it is taken into account in the consolidated figure of R D Deposits generated
for the particular day.
Thus to
avoid confusion at GPO during compilation, we have to add the amount of each
schedule manually again in the LoT.
problems need immediate solution
13. Lack of Guidance:
On 11.05.2015, 24 offices in Odisha Circle migrated to
CBS including 5 P Os in Bhubaneswar Division. The technical support earlier
supplied to CBS post offices for initial 3 days by Infosys was found absent
this time. While Ashoknagar MDG was supported by the Infosys people, offices
like Utkal University, Bhoinagar BBSR Sectt and Kharvelnagar were deprived of
the facility. We are the witness to the plight of these offices.
Thus, this union unanimously resolves and requests to provide technical support for at
least one week to each office to be migrated in future.
14. Problem of User credentials:
a. As we see, one each User credential is given to the trained staff. But
it is not clearly told what action to be taken while the SPM/PA goes on leave
especially in B class offices. As sharing of user credential is very risky and
dangerous, the union suggests for immediate alternative arrangement.
b. Presently the SPMs of single handed S O are using two user IDs – one for
the Operator and the Other for the Supervisor. A transaction will be only be
completed after verification by the Supervisor. Thus for separate transaction,
the same person has to login and logout in operator first and then to log in
and logout in Supervisor menu. Such continuous login / logout activities
continuously by the same person is quite troublesome and compels to login in
Supervisor menu when the same is required for the Operator or vice-versa.
Thus, this union
unanimously resolves and requests the administration to make the Software
compatible to operate and complete one transaction in a single menu. Further
this union demands for deployment of additional man power in a single handed S O proposed to be migrated to
CBS Finacle.
15. Supply of Printers and Computers:
While some CBS Post Offices at initial stage were
supplied with new Computers, printers and other hardware, now, it is seen that
rest of the offices are having more than 5 year old Computers and Printers
which are not suitable to present scenario. The staff are seen struggling with outdated Computers and
peripherals, which were purchased during the year 2000 to 2005. Administration
is pressing hard to migrate offices without supplying required hardware. The
old computers and peripherals either to be revamped or replaced to make it
compatible to the present environment.
Thus, this union unanimously resolves and demands for
immediate action be taken to supply new
set of computers, printers and other required hardware support before
16. Use of original version of
Windows 7 :
Though may post
office have been migrated in the mean time even proper up gradation of CPUs are
not made in many areas and the Software loaded is up to Windows XP in most of
the offices. Presently it is a fact that windows XP is not supported by the
Microsoft with updates. Finacle can be
better loaded with Windows 7 and in the knowledge of this union, most of the
offices are using pirated version of Windows 7, which may lead to litigation
with Microsoft apart from non supporting with updates.
Thus, the union urges for immediate purchase of
original version of Windows 7 and arrange loading in all CPUs of the Division
to avoid future complicacies.
17. Power to Postmaster for CSAC of
user IDs :
Most of the times, the user IDs, both of the
Supervisor and Operator in Finacle are seen to be locked which need to be
unlocked (CSAC) for fresh login and the power to do so is now vested with the System Administrator. At the
time of need, when, S As are contacted for CSAC, problem is coming when they
are in an office other than using Finacle from where, CSAC is not possible.
Thus, the counter works are affected without fresh login.
Therefore, this union demands for delegating the CSAC
power to the concerned Postmaster so that the problem can be solved instantly
without affecting good customer services.
18. Revision of Working Hours to
execute EOD by 3PM :
CPC, Odisha vide its letter dated 18.05.2015 has
enforced SOL transaction closing by 4PM for HOs and 3 PM for SOs and Inter SOL
transactions by 3 PM for HOs and 2 PM for SOs. But as per scheduled Hours of
Business, the Counter Working Hours of some offices like Ashoknagar MDG is up
to 4 PM and others up to 3 PM. Practically speaking, those offices which are
now performing S B Counter Works up to 3 PM, they are at present able to manage
just the deposit and withdrawal transactions instantly to avoid rush at the
counter. Due to slowness of the server most of the time, transactions like
issue and discharge of certificates and opening of new accounts are being done
at present after the counter transactions are over with request to the
concerned customers not to wait. Thus, it is not possible to execute EOD by 3
or 2 PM regularly as directed by CPC
unless the SOs are officially authorized by the SSPOs with due modification in
the scheduled Working Hours of the Offices already notified.
Thus, the Union suggests to examine the issue and take
immediate action in revising the Working Hours of all Offices reducing the S
B counter transactions by 1 hour for
timely execution of EOD.
19. Streamlining registration of
complaints regarding network connectivity :
Except the bigger offices, almost all SOs in
Bhubaneswar Division have 2 PCs - 1 server and 1client (except a few like BBSR
Court, Pokhariput, Madhusudan Nagar, Patia etc). However single handed non –
delivery SOs like Kedargouri, Udyanmarg have been supplied with 2 PCs. As this
union knows, every PO (without an exception!) has complained about the
slow access to internet while using Sify network. Online applications like CCC
portal, e-Post, WNX, Gmail etc offer delayed access, sometimes resulting in
expiring out the session and restarting once again. In addition, if both NSP1
and 2 are defunct, then the PO is virtually dead. Vital portals like SpeedNet, RNet, ParcelNet, eMO, ePayment,
DET, DPT, CBS MIS etc will not reveal any data of the Office.
Unlike Broadband, in which complaint was
registered through telephone and service engineers used to visit the PO if
required, SIFY does not provide such services. Once installation is over, they
only check the service connectivity from their side i.e. whether they have restricted
the PO to access internet or not. In such a situation the Postmaster, without
deep technical knowledge about hardware and networking, does all he can do to
restore data connectivity i.e. unplugging and plugging each and every cable connected in his office
– but all in vain.
In such cases, the Postmaster is supposed to
register a complaint in the web only, citing the concerned PO’s WEG Code. Any
telephonic complaint will not be attended. But the regret is that there is no
clarification regarding how a PO, in which Both NSP1 & 2 are defunct, will
register a complaint in the web. The divisional office is also silent in this
matter. Most of the times, it is experienced that the concerned
SPMs/Postmasters are using their personal mobile to draw the attention of
Divisional Office towards such problems. Adding salt to injury, in the absence
of the ASPOs(HQ) / SSPOs, nobody is attending the telephone Number
Thus, to streamline registration of
complaints regarding network connectivity, the union suggests to handle it
centrally by Divisional Office and a particular telephone number may be
circulated to all concerned which will be attended as and when required.
20. No hasty migration to CBS till
solution of basic problems :
In spite of all above cited problems the staff members
are working in finacle software as matter of challenge and trying to give best
services to the customers. In spite of all efforts, the customers are not
satisfied / delighted which hampers the reputation of the department. No PO
which is upgraded with finacle is being closed before 8 PM every day. We are
ready to work hard provided, immediate solution to above problems are given.
Under the above circumstances, the union suggests not
to opt for hasty migration of Post Offices to CBS till the existing problems
are resolved.
Help Desk Issues: Infosys
1. The Help Desk Team raising the tickets of for
any problem should expedite to solve the issue within a definite time frame.
a) Issues like Agents’ Password resetting which
is done currently by Infosys through CPC, takes 15 to 20 days or even more
which is causing dissatisfaction of among the Agents as they are unable to
perform their work in desired time.
should be provided by the CPC within two days of receiving complaints from
b) Financial Transactions issues raised with
Infosys H D Team must be solved within maximum 4 to 7 days.
c) Provision should be made to get instant help
/ advice from Infosys Help Desk over phone in case of emergency.
CPC issue
1. CPC has been created on diversion of hands on
deputation from different Divisions. There is no separate sanctioned
establishment for CPC.
So to avoid rush of work at CPC, some works
which can be performed by concerned CBS post offices may be considered to be
diverted from CPC.
working on deputation at CPC are continuously remaining beyond the normal working hours till
completion of EOD by the last CBS office
for the betterment of the Department and CBS offices in the country.
A statuary financial benefit for such
employees may be considered.
D. Old Pending Common Issues
of letter and parcel bomb detectors to post offices:
Due to continuous persuasion, our CHQ vide
its letter No. P/2-16/Bhubaneswar, dated 11.11.2013 wrote to the Secretary (Posts) for the
purpose and though the Directorate vide
its letter No.10-09/2013-SR, dated 26.12.2013 has directed the Chief Postmaster
General, Odisha Circle to look into the matter and take necessary action,
action by the Circle head is yet to be taken.
As such, this union unanimously resolved to
demand for immediate installation of letter and parcel bomb detectors in post
2. Provision of Police Escort in cash van
& Deployment of Arm Guards in BBSRGPO :
it is aware, the only cash van is clearing / supplying cash from / to different
post offices in huge amount beyond the line limit without police escort. After
withdrawal of police forces by the State Govt. authority since 2005,
unnecessary high risk has been thrown upon the staff related to cash
conveyances. Despite several discussions for years together with the Divisional
administration in the monthly union meetings and with the Circle administration
in the bi-monthly and four-monthly meetings, no satisfactory progress is being
observed till date. The matter was seriously discussed in the last Circle
biennial conference and a memorandum was also submitted to the Chief PMG,
Odisha Circle. The poor postal employees are always working under apprehension of
threat / robbery and the administration has remained a silent spectator to such
unfortunate practice.
Similarly, keeping in view the recent ongoing
robberies in broad-day light from banks
and other cash counters in cities on one hand and considering the amount
of per day cash transactions in Bhubaneswar GPO, we have given a proposal
in 2006 to the administration for deployment of arm guards in the campus of and
inside Bhubaneswar GPO. Due to our continuous pursuance, the matter was discussed with the DPS (HQ)
by the Circle Union on 16.11.2006 and as replied by the DPS(HQ), the matter
would be referred to the Directorate since related to all India. But since then, we are in dark on the
progress of this issue.
lastly both the above items were taken up at Directorate level by our CHQ on 11.03.2014 and Directorate vide its letter F No. 18 - 1/-2012 – PO, dated 20.03.2014 has
directed the Chief PMG, Odisha Circle to follow the instructions of Postal
Directorate issued on security of cash at Post Offices and conveyance of cash
from Post Office earlier issued vide Directorate’s letter No. 24-4/2003-PC,
dated 10.10.2007 and No.32 - 1/86-CE,, dated 09.01.1986 authorizing the Circle
Head with full Administrative and Financial Powers in this regard.
this union unanimously resolved
to demand for immediate implementation of the above orders.
3. Making the SPMs / Postmasters free from
achieving targets:
the jurisdiction of the SPMs / Postmasters is confined to the four walls of the
Post Office on one hand and they have no scope to move outside leaving the
office for mobilization during the working hours, fixation of unachievable
targets for them under POSB Scheme and PLI / RPLI etc. seems to be quite
inappropriate and unjust. In addition, after migration of post office to CBS
Finacle, the employees have already sacrificed their social responsibilities
being detained in the office for more than 12 hours a day.
this union requests the administration that instead of pressurizing the
SPMs/Postmasters who are already over burdened, the SAS/MPKBY/PLI/RPLI agents
may be sensitized for the purpose.
4. Construction of P O buildings / staff quarters/ local
training centers / auditorium / examination hall on acquired lands.
spite of acquirement of lands by the Department of Posts for construction of
Departmental buildings for Post Offices / residential quarters, no action by
the Postal Administration is being taken for years together. As a result, most
of the Post offices are functioning in rented buildings as per availability in
respective localities causing heavy loss in Govt. revenue in terms of house
rent paid to private house owners. Though the plots in Budheswari Colony and
Baramunda are now under active consideration for construction of P O buildings,
still many other vacant plots are seen encroached by outsiders.
union demands for immediate construction of
post office buildings / staff quarters / local training centers /
auditorium / examination hall on acquired lands to save loss of Govt. revenue /
5. Dequarterization of Post Offices below
schedule of accommodation:
is needless to mention that many post offices in Bhubaneswar Division are having
attached post quarters below the Schedule of Accommodation and completely in
uninhabitable condition. This union is continuously demanding for dequarterization of all such
Post Offices.
as per information available, there are several post attached quarters where
the rent paid by the Govt. to the house owner is too less than the due HRA admissible
to the concerned employee which show how the Department is doing monopoly in
earning profit out of the pay of the officials and compelling the staff members to occupy the unsuitable
post quarters bearing heavy financial losses which is too illogical and needs to be addressed at
any cost.
is worth mentioning here that all most all the post attached quarters except a few those in the
departmental buildings are below the schedule of accommodation and all are
uninhabitable due to zero maintenance either by the house owner or by the
Department. Illustratively, Kalpana Square SO, Mancheswar Rly. Colony SO, VSS
Nagar SO, Pipli Grade – I PO, Nuapalamhat SO and Nayahahat SO etc.
this union demands that all such Post Offices should be dequarterized
immediately and deduction of HRA may be restricted to the monthly rent paid to
the private house owner ensuring payment of excess amount to the incumbent after
deducting the actual rent paid.
6. Supply of literatures / brochures /
the Department is putting every pressure on the Postmasters / SPMs for achieving
the targets in Revenue Realization, the Post Offices are not supplied with
sufficient literatures / brochures / leaf-lets etc .on P L I / RPLI, S B / S Cs,
Speed Post and other premium products for wide circulation amongst the
customers for effective motivation. Similar is the position of Sukanya Samrudhi
Account recently introduced. While the Department is spending crores of rupees
in computerization and modernization, no post office is being supplied with a
leaflet on small savings / PLI / RPLI
and other products and services. In spite of our repeated discussion in the
monthly union meetings several times, no satisfactory progress has been
witnessed in this regard.
The Sub Post Offices may be supplied with sufficient brochures on all products and
services offered by the Department of Posts for benefit of the members of
public which will help the SPMs/Postmasters to motivate customers and to earn
revenue for the Department.
7. Proper training to staff members on basic
knowledge in computer:
is a matter of happiness that the post office is now under transformation in
the concept of look and feel good namely “Project Arrow” followed by CBS and
CSI under I T Modernization Project. While all departmental post offices have already
been computerized and are gradually being migrated to CBS platform in a phased
manner, most of the staff members are witnessed not to posses even basic
computer knowledge and there by delivering a very slow service at the counters.
As we know, the WCTCs / PTCs of the Department are imparting various trainings
to the staff members only on packages for one week / two weeks which is not
sufficient especiall on CBS. CBS in
India Post is a recent development and the Department is having a large number
of staff members who do not posses basic computer knowledge and thus fail to
operate the packages properly effecting prompt service to the members of
the computer training programme of the Department at WCTCs / PTCs needs to be extended
for at least 3 months to suit the need of the staff members and Department as
8. Fitting of glass panels in counters:
While the counters of the identified
Post Offices in Phase – III and onwards under Project Arrow have been fitted
with glass panels facilitating the customers to
come in queue , such Post Offices under Phase – I and II have been left
open as a result of which confrontations
/ arguments in between the counter assistants and members of public are quite
regular in such post offices. In spite of several Visiting Remarks and
Inspection Reports of the higher authorities, no progress has been made till
date in Odisha Postal Circle. Though the item has been discussed several times
even in the four monthly meetings with the Chief PMG, no satisfactory progress
has been witnessed till date.
Therefore, the counters of all the identified Post
Offices in Phase – I and II under
Project Arrow need to be fitted with glass panels.
9. Provision of A C and water coolers in all
Project Arrow Post Offices:
the original concept of “Project Arrow” is based on look and feel good factor,
most of the Project Arrow Offices in
Odisha Postal Circle have not been air conditioned. Due to scorching heat, the
overhead water tanks fail to supply cold water now days. The water filters
supplied to P Os are too small to supply sufficient water. As a result the
offices where large number of customers are rushing fail to supply a glass of
cold water to the members of public.
As we have witnessed the idea of giving the post offices
a corporate look has failed to be materialized.
The concept of Project Arrow needs to be followed in letter and spirit
with provision of A C and water coolers in all project arrow and bigger post
Division (Odisha)
Definitely a deemed rescue effort for the victimized officials in the present scenery.